Public call to apply as a legal auditor for the audit of electoral subjects, as well as candidates for mayor, for the election campaign of March 6, 2022.

03/03/2022 | Public Announcements

The Central Election Commission, through this announcement, makes a public call for expressions of interest to be a licensed accounting expert (legal auditor) for the audit of funds obtained and spent for the election campaign for the by-elections for Local Government Bodies on March 6. 2022.

For more details see the announcement below in ALbanian language:

Thirrje publike për të aplikuar si auditues ligjor për auditimin e subjekteve zgjedhore, si dhe të kandidatëve për kryetar bashkie, për fushatën zgjedhore të datës 6 mars 2022.


Public AnnouncementsPublic call to apply as a legal auditor for the audit of electoral subjects, as well as candidates for mayor, for the election campaign of March 6, 2022.