Based on paragraph 2, article 19, letter ‘n’, paragraph 1, of article 19 of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, on the review and adoption of acts which are a competence of the State Election Commissioner, Commissioner Celibashi will hold a public session on 23.12.2020, at 17.30.
Order of the day:
Draft Instruction “On defining the rules for submission and verification of candidates’ documentation, the deadlines for publication of the list of candidates and adoption of candidacy templates for April 25, 2021 parliamentary elections.
2. Draft decision “On assigning the political parties that will propose the members and secretaries of the Commissions of Election Administration Zones for April 25, 2021 parliamentary elections”.
Due to the situation of pandemic, the meeting will be held on line through Zoom platform.
For the public, the meeting will be live-streamed in “Facebook” and YouTube”.
Materials of Meeting: