Deputy Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner is responsible for determining the applicability and work direction on electronic voter identification project implementation. Jointly with Commissioner he/she shares equal powers to select, monitor and implement technology for the electronic identification of voters.
Deputy Commissioner exercises with equal rights with the Commissioner the competencies for the selecting, recruiting and training of election officials.
The Albanian Parliament, with decision no. 57/2020, elected as Deputy State Election Commissioner, Mrs. Lealba PELINKU.

Appointed as Deputy Commissioner with the decision no. 57/2020, Mrs. Lealba Pelinku is serving to this position following an extensive professional and public experience.
With over 17 years of work experience, Mrs. Pelinku is engaged in the academic field since 2006 as a lecturer in the subjects of “Commercial Law”, “Commercial Associations”, “Mediation and Arbitration Law”, “International Private Law”, “Procurement Law” and “International trade law”.
In addition to her involvement in the academic field, Mrs. Pelinku practiced law in civil, administrative, and particularly commercial matters during 2005-2008.
From January to December 2013, Mrs. Pelinku held the position of Chairwoman at the Public Procurement Commission. Earlier, Mrs. Pelinku served for two years as a member and Deputy Chairwoman of the Commission.
Ms. Pelinku studied law, following her graduation with honors as “Doctor of Law” in 2005 at the Faculty of Law, University of Insubria, Como, Italy. She continued her postgraduate master studies in the Department of Civil Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. studies at the same legal department.
Mrs. Lealba Pelinku was born in Tirana, on October 30, 1980. She has a daughter, Andra Shpuza.