Based on paragraph 2, article 19 and letter ‘n’ of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, based on his competence to review and adopt secondary legislation, the State Election Commissioner decided to hold a public session;
Session day: 07.10.2021, at 12:30
Order of the day:
- Draft instruction “On determining the procedures for post-election examination of ballot papers and election materials”;
For the review of the result of the verification of the General Prosecution for the self-declaring subject Mr. Ervis Harun Bey, candidate for MP proposed by the Coalition Alliance Popular Union-Emigration – Hour of Hope and Conservatives (ABEOK), Durrës region, pursuant to law no. 138/2015 “On guaranteeing the integrity of persons elected, appointed or exercising public functions”; - For the review of the result of the verification of the General Prosecution for the self-declaring subject Mr. Ido Muharrem Pashaj, candidate for MP proposed by the Coalition Alliance Popular Union-Emigration – Hour of Hope and Conservatives (ABEOK), Fier region, pursuant to law no. 138/2015 “On guaranteeing the integrity of persons elected, appointed or exercising public functions”;
- For the administrative review of the violation of the provisions of the Electoral Code and decision no. 9, dated 24.12.2020, of the Regulatory Commission, regarding the development of the electoral campaign in the premises of the library “Misto Treska”, Tirana.
Materialets of the meeting (alb):