Based on paragraph 2, article 19 and letter ‘n’ of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, based on his competence to review and adopt secondary legislation, the State Election Commissioner decided to hold a public session:
Session day: 08.03.2023, at 11:00
Order of the day:
- Draft decision “On determining the number of candidates in the multi-name lists presented by the electoral subjects for each electoral zone, for the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- On the administrative examination of persons responsible for reporting public activities, for the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023.
- On the administrative examination of the persons responsible for the non-reporting of public activities, for the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023.
- Completion of the administrative investigation on the reports of public bodies for the period February 17 – February 23, 2023.
- Evaluation of reports of public activities of public, central and local institutions as well as state agencies and/or enterprises, for the period February 24 – March 2, 2023.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia Socialdemokrate “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On the consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia për Mbrojtjen e të Drejtave të Punëtorëve të Shqipërisë “, for registration as an electoral subject for the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia për Mbrojtjen e të Drejtave të Emigrantëve “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia e Gjelbër “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia Bashkimi Demokrat Shqiptar “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia Ora e Shqipërisë “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party “Partia Kombëtare Konservatore Albania “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Aleanca Arbnore Kombëtare “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia Demokristiane e Shqipërisë “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia Emigracioni Shqiptar”, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023″.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia Komuniste e Shqipërisë “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia Qytetare Shqiptare “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Minoriteti Etnik Grek për të Ardhmen MEGA “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia Republikane Shqiptare “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party “Justice, Integration and Unity”, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023″.
- “On the review of the request of the political party “Partia Shqiptare Atdheu”, for registration as an electoral subject for local government bodies on May 14, 2023″.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party “Partia Uniteti Kombëtar”, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023″.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Partia Agrare Ambjentaliste e Shqipërisë “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Aleanca për Barazi dhe Drejtësi Europiane “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Lëvizja Punëtore Shqiptare “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party ” Nisma Thurje” for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023″.
- On consideration of the request of the political party “Partia Aleanca Demokristiane e Shqipërisë” for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023″.
- ” On consideration the request of the political party” Balli Kombëtar Demokrat “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- ” On consideration of the request of the political party” Partia Konservatore “, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- ” On consideration of the request of the political party” Lëvizja e Re “, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the Political Party “Partia Kristian Demokrate e Shqipërisë” for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023″.
- “On consideration the request of the political party “Aleanca Demokracia e Re “, for registration as an election subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political Party ” Partia Balli Kombëtar “, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party “Partia Demokracia Sociale “, for the registration as an election subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the Political Party’s request ” Personat me Aftësi të Kufizuar “, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration the request of the political party “Aleanca Demokratike Shqiptare “, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the Political Party’s request “Lëvizja e Legalitetit “, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration the request of the Political Party” Bashkimi për të Drejtat e Njeriut, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023 “.
- “On consideration the request of the Political Party “Partia e Reformave Demokratike Shqiptare “, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the political party “Bashkimi Liberal Demokrat “, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the Political Party ” Ardhmëria Shqiptare “, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the Political Party’s request” Partia Lidhja Demokristiane Shqiptare”, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023″.
- On consideration of the request of the Political Party ” Partia Fryma e Re Demokratike “, for registration as an electoral subject in the local government elections dated 14 May 2023 “.
- “On consideration of the Political Party’s request” Aleanca e Maqedonasve për Integrimin Europian “for registration as an electoral subject in the local government bodies dated 14 May 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the Political Party ” Partia për Europianizim dhe Integrimin e Shqipërisë “, for registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request of the Political Party” Fronti i Majtë “, for the registration as an electoral subject in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration the request of the Political Party” Aleanca për Demokraci dhe Solidaritet “, for registration as an election subject in the local government elections dated May 14, 2023”.
- “On consideration of the request for registration of the initiative committee, which will organize the work for the submission of Mr. Eduart Muhamet Nallbani, as a candidate proposed by voters in the Tirana District Election Zone, in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023 ”.
- “On consideration of the request for registration of the Initiative Committee, which will organize the work for the submission of Mr. Iljan Gjergji Nastu, as a candidate proposed by voters in the Korça District Electoral Area, in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023 ”.
- “On consideration of the request for registration of the Initiative Committee, which will organize the work for the submission of Mr. Ismail Bujar Jakupi, as a candidate proposed by voters in the Durres District Election Zone, in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023 ”.
- “On consideration of the request for registration of the initiative committee that will organize the work for the submission of Mr. Lazjon Vangjel Petri, as a candidate proposed by voters in the Durres District Election Zone, in the elections for local government bodies dated May 14, 2023 ”.
Materials of the meeting (alb):