Today, the State Election Commissioner registered as electoral subjects for the elections of May 11, 2025, the party “The Albanian Socialist Alliance Party and the European Ecological Alliance party.
The party “Conservative Alliance for Albania”, with Chairman Mr. Altin Goxhaj, withdrew its request for registration as an electoral subject.
During today’s session, several substantive elements of the ballot paper were approved, which, regardless of the content of the ballot paper that will be approved on a case-by-case basis, will be the same in every type of ballot paper regardless of the respective electoral district. The ballot paper will contain:
- The Emblem of the Republic
- CEC Logo
- Elements in the form of text (“Republic of Albania”, “Central Election Commission”, “Ballot Paper”, “Elections for the Assembly of Albania May 11, 2025”, district, Polling Station No., name of the electoral subject, name and surname of the chairman of the electoral subject, initials of the subject, ordinal number name/surname of candidates in the multi-member list who receive a preferential vote, name/surname of candidates in the multi-member list)
- Elements in the form of squares (square where the voter’s mark is placed, square where the name of the subject is placed, square where the logo of the subject is placed, square where the ordinal number is placed)
CEC distributed the annual funds to political parties in the form of financial assistance for the year 2025.
The fund of 345,600,000 (three hundred forty-five million six hundred thousand) ALL was distributed:
- Socialist Party of Albania (PS) – 151,494,783 ALL
- Democratic Party (PD) – 106,661,181 ALL
- Party for Justice, Integration, and Unity (PDIU) – 9,753,658 ALL
- Union for Human Rights Party (PBDNJ) – 8,018,647 ALL
- Republican Party of Albania (PR) – 11,488,669 ALL
- Agrarian Environmentalist Party of Albania (PAA) – 8,018,647 ALL
- Movement for National Development (LZHK) – 8,018,647 ALL
- Legality Movement Party (PLL) – 8,018,647 ALL
- Freedom Party (PL) – 15,577,215 ALL
- Social Democratic Party (PSD) – 12,266,269 ALL
- Hashtag Initiative (NTH) – 6,283,636 ALL
Additionally, administrative reviews were conducted for complaints No. 8, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21.
The decision regarding complaint No. 8, submitted by the Democratic Party, will be announced in the next session.
Meanwhile, at the conclusion of the administrative review for complaints No. 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, submitted by the Coalition for Reforms, Integration, and Consolidated Institutions (KRIIK), the Commissioner decided to terminate the administrative investigation against:
- Local Education Offices in Tirana, Durrës, Korçë-Pustec, Bulqizë, Mat, Pukë, Kukës, Kurbin, Shkodër, Librazhd, Pogradec, Berat, Klos, Rrogozhinë, Fier, Dropull, Tepelenë-Memaliaj, Lushnje, Mallakastër, Patos, Sarandë – Konispol – Delvinë, Peqin, Elbasan, Krujë, Përmet.
- General Director of the State Police.
- Director of the Agency for the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Assets.
- General Director of the National Employment and Skills Agency.
- Chief Inspector of the State Labor and Social Services Inspectorate.
- General Director of the Agency for Agricultural and Rural Development.
- General Director of the National Veterinary and Plant Protection Authority.
- Directors of the Regional Agricultural Extension Agencies in Tirana, Korçë, Shkodër.
- Director of the National Tobacco and Cigarettes Agency.
- General Director of the Institute of Food Safety and Veterinary.
- General Director of the National Coastal Agency.