Decision no. 30, dated 18.8.2023 “On the use of the electronic voter identification device, in the partial elections for Mayor of Kukes, dated September 24, 2023”. 18/08/2023
Decision no. 29 dated 18.8.2023 “On the use of recording cameras and monitors for the display of ballots at the place of counting of votes, in the partial elections for the Mayor of Kukes, dated September 24, 2023”. 18/08/2023
Decision no. 28 dated 16.8.2023 “For the approval of some procedural deadlines related to the partial elections for Mayor in the Municipality of Kukës, which will take place on September 24, 2023”. 18/08/2023
Decision no. 27, dated 7.8.2023 “On the announcement of the final result of the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”. 07/08/2023
Decision no. 26, dated 06.07.2023 “For a change in decision no. 3, dated 06.11.2020, of the Regulatory Commission, “On the approval of the regulation “On the way of operation and development of the sessions of the Complaints and Sanctions Commission, amended”. 06/07/2023