Decision no. 20, dated 20.4.2023, “On the approval of guidelines for the method of financial reporting during the election campaign for local government bodies”. 24/04/2023
Decision no. 19, dated 18.4.2023, “On the use of the electronic voter identification device, in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”. 20/04/2023
Decision no. 18, dated 18.4.2023, “On the use of recording cameras and monitors for the display of ballots in vote counting places, in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”. 20/04/2023
Decision no. 17, dated 13.4.2023, “On the adoption of procedural rules for the process of electronic voting and counting by means of the electronic voting and counting device (PEVN), in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”. 20/04/2023
Decision no. 16, dated 13.4.2023, “On the use of electronic voting and counting divices, in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”. 20/04/2023