Instruction no. 14, dated 09.06.2021 “On determining the criteria, procedures for the selection and appointment of licensed accounting experts (legal auditors) and contractual conditions for the audit of funds received and spent by political parties during the calendar year and electoral subjects and candidates them in the election campaign”. 11/10/2022
Instruction no. 15, dated 07.10.2021 “On determining the procedures for the post-election review of ballot papers and election materials”. 11/10/2022
Instruction no.2, dated 01.03.2022 “On the use of the application “CEC” in the partial elections for mayor of March 6, 2022″. 02/03/2022
Instruction no. 01, dated 22.01.2022 “On some amendments in instruction no. 1, dated 23.12.2020, of the State Election Commissioner, “On determining the rules for filing and verifying candidacy documentation, deadlines for publishing candidate lists and approving candidacy models”. 22/01/2022