Decision No. 42, dated 2.5.2024, “On the Approval of the Model Sheet for the Collection of Signatures for the Legislative Initiative of the Voters in the Republic of Albania, for the Proposal of the Draft Law “On Some Amendments and Additions to the Law No. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended”. 07/05/2024
Decision no. 40, dated 12.05.2024 “For the approval of the report on the key findings of the cross-checking process of electronic and biometric data collected by electronic voter identification devices, in the elections for local government bodies, dated 14 May 2023 and 23 July 2024”. 06/05/2024
Decision no 39, dated 942024, Regarding the review of the verification result of the General Prosecutor for the self-declared subject Mr Kristian Luigj Shkreli, proposed by the electoral subject ‘Socialist Party of Albania’ 23/04/2024
Decision no. 38, dated 9.4.2024 “For the approval of the report on the findings from the audit of the financial reports of political parties for income and expenses for the calendar year 2022”. 12/04/2024
Decision no. 37, dated 9.4.2024 “To fill the vacancy in the Kuka Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the electoral subject “Agrarian and Environmentalist of Albania”, Mr. Vebi Fadil Bajraktari”. 09/04/2024