Decision no. 000-032, dated 23.09.2023, “For the review of KRIIK’s request, for the accreditation of observers, in the partial elections for the Mayor of Kukës on September 24, 2023”. 23/09/2023
Decision no. 000-031, dated 22.09.2023, “For consideration of the request of 3 DS & AF Entertainment, for the accreditation of observers, in the partial elections for the Mayor of Kukes on September 24, 2023”. 22/09/2023
Decision no: 000-030, dated 21.09.2023 “For the review of the request of the “Civic Center”, for the accreditation of observers for the observation of the partial elections for Mayor of Kukes on September 24, 2023. 22/09/2023
Decision no: 000-029, dated 21.09.2023 “For the examination of the request of the “Association for Democratic Culture”, for the accreditation of observers for the observation of the partial elections for the Mayor of Kukes on September 24, 2023. 22/09/2023
Decision no: 000-027, dated 20.09.2023 “On the review of the request of “EURO BALKANS NEWS”, for the accreditation of observers for the observation of the partial elections for Mayor of Kukes on September 24, 2023. 22/09/2023