Decision no. 745, dated 4.9.2023 “For consideration of the request of the “Democratic Party”, for registration as an electoral subject in the partial elections for the Mayor of Kukes Municipality on September 24, 2023″. 04/09/2023
Decision no. 744 dated 30.8.2023 “On determining the amount of compensation for technical operators for the use of the video recording camera in the voting center, for the partial elections for Mayor of Kukes, dated September 24, 2023”. 31/08/2023
Decision no. 743 dated 30.8.2023 “On determining the amount of compensation for technical operators for the use of the electronic voter identification device (PEI), for the partial elections for the Mayor of Kukes, dated September 24, 2023”. 31/08/2023
Decision no. 742, dated 28.08.2023 “On the administrative review of the denunciation no. 429 ID from the “Citizen Attitude” Center, to Mr. Edison Zanaj, administrator of administrative unit no. 7, Tirana, for administrative violations, in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023″. 29/08/2023
Decision no. 740, dated 28.08.2023 “For the administrative review of the denunciation registered with no. 403 ID, with petitioner Coalition for Reforms, Integration and Consolidated Institutions, for administrative violations, for the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”. 29/08/2023