Decision no. 705, dated 14.7.2023, “On the release and appointment of the member of KZAZ no. 43, Rrogozhina Municipality, for repeating the mayoral elections on July 23, 2023”. 17/07/2023
Decision no. 704, dated 14.7.2023, “For filling the vacancy in the Gramsh Municipality Council with the candidate from the multi-name list of the “Social Democratic Party of Albania”, Ms. Erisa Shkelqim Zogu”. 17/07/2023
Decision no. 703, dated 14.7.2023, “On the delegation of competence to CEAZ no. 43, Rrogozhin Municipality, for the accreditation of observers of electoral subjects, for the repetition of the elections for the Mayor of Rrogozhina, dated July 23, 2023”. 17/07/2023
Decision no. 702, dated 12.7.2023, “On the accreditation of non-political observers through the electronic platform of observers, in the elections for the Mayor of Rrogozhina, dated July 23, 2023”. 12/07/2023
Decision no. 701, dated 12.7.2023, “To fill the vacancy in the Klos Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the “Socialist Party of Albania”, Mr. Eduart Shaqir Hoxha”. 12/07/2023