Decision no. 678, dated 04.07.2023 “On setting the date for repeating the elections for the Mayor of Rrogozhinë”. 05/07/2023
Decision no. 677, dated 26.06.2023 “On the administrative review of denunciations no. 426 ID from Mr. Ivi Kaso, no. 437 ID from Mr. Premtim Kryemadhi, no. 418 ID, 420 ID, 430 ID, 432 ID, from the “Civic Center”, and no. 443 ID, 445 ID from the Coalition for Reforms, Integration and Consolidated Institutions, to persons responsible for administrative violations, in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023″. 03/07/2023
Decision no. 676, dated 26.06.2023 “On the administrative review of the denunciation no. 380 ID, 381 ID, 383 ID, 411 ID, 422 ID, 423 ID, 396 ID, 428 ID, 425 ID of MP Mr. Ivi Kaso and Mrs. Albana Vokshi, for administrative violations, for the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”. 03/07/2023
Decision no. 675, dated 26.06.2023 “On the administrative review of the denunciation no. 398 ID, 399 ID, 400 ID, 401 ID, 440 ID, 441 ID, from the Coalition for Reforms, Integration and Consolidated Institutions to the persons responsible, for reporting public activities, for the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023 “. 03/07/2023
Decision no. 674, dated 26.06.2023 “On the extension of the deadline of the administrative investigation for the denunciations no. 374, 375, 385, 390, 436 and 439 ID”. 03/07/2023