DecisionRC_2025_16_On some additions to decision no. 10, dated 23.10.2024 “On the approval of the rules for the registration of voters from outside the territory of the Republic of Albania and the preparation of the voter list”, as amended. 06/03/2025
DecisionSEC_2025_240_On the rules of use and communication on social networks and online media by public institutions and public officials in elections. 06/03/2025
DecisionCSC_2025_09_For the review of appeal request no. 3 dated 21.02.2025 filed by the “Civic Stability” Center. 05/03/2025
DecisionSEC_2025_238_On the review of the request of the coalition “Democratic Party-Alliance for Greater Albania” (DP-ASHM), for registration as an electoral subject for the elections for the Assembly, dated May 11, 2025. 05/03/2025
DecisionSEC_2025_237_On the review of the request of the coalition “Initiative Albania Becomes-Adriatik Lapaj”, (NISMA-SHB), for registration as an electoral subject for the Assembly elections, dated May 11, 2025. 05/03/2025