DecisionCSC_2024_33_On the acceptance for review of request no. 04, dated 15.11.2024 of the State Election Commissioner. 30/12/2024
DecisionCSC_2024_32_On the acceptance for review of request no. 03, dated 15.11.2024 of the State Election Commissioner. 30/12/2024
DecisionCSC_2024_31_On the non-acceptance for review of the appeal request no. 23, dated 08.11.2024, filed by the Socialist Party of Albania. 30/12/2024
DecisionCSC_2024_30_On the non-acceptance for review of the appeal request no. 22, dated 11.11.2024, filed by the Alliance of Macedonians for European Integration Party. 30/12/2024
DecisionCSC_2024_29_On the refusal to consider appeal request no. 21, dated 07.11.2024, filed by the Social Democracy Party. 30/12/2024