Decision no. 20, dated 12.09.2024 “For the examination of appeal requests no. 9, dated 03.08.2024 filed by the Union Party for Human Rights and no. 10, dated 04.08.2024 with complainant Mr. Dionisios Alfred Beleri”. 13/09/2024
Rregullore për organizimin dhe funksionimin e brendshëm të Komisionit Qendror të Zgjedhjeve 13/09/2024
Decision no. 12.09.2024, “On granting the mandate of the Mayor of Himarë, Vlorë District, Mr. Vangjel Llambi Tavo, proposed by the electoral subject “Socialist Party of Albania” for the partial elections for Mayor of Himara on August 4, 2024″ . 12/09/2024