The Regulatory Commission in its today’s meeting reviewed the draft decision “On the Regulation of Regulatory Commission’s Meetings”. The scope of this regulation is to establish the detailed rules for the meetings of the Regulator at the CEC, the way of functioning of the Regulator and the procedures of review and approval of acts pursuant to the provisions of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania ”, as amended.
The regulation contains provisions that establish the relations between the CEC administration and the State Election Commissioner, provisions regarding the composition, competencies, rights and duties of the Chairman and the members, provisions that regulate the relations of representatives of electoral subjects. / political parties in the activity of the Regulatory Commission, as well as provisions that regulate the decision-making activity of the Regulatory Commission
After reviewing it in principle and article by article, the Regulatory Commission decided to adopt the regulation.