The Commission of Appeals and Sanctions holds its session on Wednesday, on 11.00 hrs, on the verification of the elements of the form and content of the complaint with the following object: ” Amendment to the Decision no.7 of the State Election Commissioner, dated 14.01.2021”, with complainant Mr. Arben Qalliu. The rapporteur of the case is Mr. Ilirjan Rusmali.
The Commission of Appeals and Sanctions holds its meeting on Wednesday, on 11.15 hrs, on the verification of the elements of the form and content of the complaint with the following object: ” Amendment to the Decision no.7 of the State Election Commissioner, dated 14.01.2021”, with complainant the Socialist Movement for Integration. The rapporteur of the case is Mr. Elvis Çefa.
For more details see the documents in Albanian language:
Njoftim për thirrjen e mbledhjes së Komisionit të Ankimimeve dhe Sanksioneve në datën 20.01.2021.
Njoftim për thirrjen e mbledhjes së Komisionit të Ankimimeve dhe Sanksioneve në datën 20.01.2021.