Based on paragraph 2, article 19, letter ‘n’, paragraph 1, of article 19 of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, on the review and adoption of acts which are a competence of the State Election Commissioner, Commissioner Celibashi will hold a public session;
Session day: 02.02.2021, at 17:00
Order of the day:
- Draft instruction “On accreditation procedures and rules of observation for international and local nongovernmental organisations, international organisations, representatives of foreign countries, media and electoral subjects”;
- Draft instruction “On defining the criteria for the selection of monitors, the monitoring procedure and scope”;
- Draft instruction “On allocation of the annual funds to political parties in the form of financial support for the year 2021”;
- Draft Decision “On registration of the legislative initiative of voters in the Republic of Albania for creation of the national record of authors of sexual crimes”;
- Draft Decision “On appointment of the chairmen and vice chairmen of the CEAZs”.
Materials of meeting in Albanian language: