Based on paragraph 2, article 19, letter ‘n’, paragraph 1, of article 19 of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, on the review and adoption of acts which are a competence of the State Election Commissioner, Commissioner Celibashi will hold a public session;
Session day: 11.02.2021, at 17:00
Order of the day:
- “On adoption of the cooperation agreement linked between the State Election Commissioner and the political party that benefits funds from the state budget and the Central Election Commission”;
- “On designating the location of several Voting Centers in private establishments for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On adoption of the templates of documentation to be used by the counting team and CEAZ to tabulate the result of April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”.
- “On an amendment to the CEC Decision no. 38, dated 17.12.2020 “On defining the amount of remuneration for the CEAZ members for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On disposal of the seal of the CEAZ no.38, Tirana Region and replacing it with the extra seal”;
- “On appointment of some CEAZ members, on release and appointment of some members in the CEAZ no.72, Korca Region, CEAZ no.77, CEAZ no. 81, CEAZ no. 82, Gjirokastër Region and the secretary of CEAZ no.82, Gjirokaster region”;
- “On review of the request of Alliance for Democracy and Solidarity Party, to be registered as electoral subject for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On review of the request of the Albanian Affairs Party, to be registered as electoral subject for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On review of the request of the Albanian Demo-Christian Party to be registered as electoral subject for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On review of the request of National Democratic Front Party to be registered as electoral subject for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On review of the request of Environmental Agrarian Party to be registered as electoral subject for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On review of the request of Albanian Democratic Union Party to be registered as electoral subject for April 25, 2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On review of the request of the New Movement Party to be registered as electoral subject for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On the review of the request of Christian Democratic Party to be registered as electoral subject for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On review of the request of New Democracy Alliance Party to be registered as electoral subject for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On review of the request for registration of the Initiating Committee that will coordinate the work for the representation of Mr. Boiken Abazi as a candidate proposed by the voters in Tirana election zone, in April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On review of the request for registration by the Initiating Committee that will coordinate the work for the representation of Mr. Dragua Ceka as a candidate proposed by the voters in Tirana election zone, in April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
- “On review of the request for registration by the Initiating Committee that will coordinate the work for the representation of Mr. Elton Debreshi as a candidate proposed by the voters in Diber election zone, in April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
Materials of meeting in Albanian language: