9 political parties and 2 initiating committees registered.

22/02/2021 | News

The State Election Commissioner held a public session pursuant to paragraph 2 article 19, letter “n” , paragraph 1 of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, to review and adopt acts in his power.

The Commissioner reviewed the draft decisions on the requests for registration of 13 political parties and 2 initiating committees as electoral subjects in April 25, 2021 parliamentary elections.

After reviewing the documentation, the Commissioner decided to register as electoral subjects the following 9 political parties and 2 initiating committees

  1. Albanian Party Homeland
  2. National Reconciliation Party
  3. Law and Justice Party
  4. New Democratic Spirit Party
  5. Albanian Civic Party
  6. National Unity Party
  7. Red and Black Alliance Party
  8. The Party for Protection of Emigrants’ Rights
  9. Popular Alliance Party
  10. Initiating Committee that will coordinate the work for representation of Mr.Kreshnik Merxhani as a candidate proposed by the voters in the election zone Gjirokaster Region.
  11. Initiating Committee that will coordinate the work for representation of Mr. Bledar Dika as a candidate proposed by the voters in the election zone of Tirane Region.

After reviewing the documentation, the Commissioner decided to reject the request of Albanian Welfare Centrist Party, the Party of Labor of Albania, the Party for Protection of Workers’Rights to be registered as electoral subject and to reject the request of Mr. Xhavit Zhuzhi to be registered as electoral subject of Albanian Emigration Party.

In addition, the Commissioner decided to accredit 18 long term observers of Albanian Helsinki Committee to observe April 25, 2021 elections.

The review of  draft decision “On selection of Election Administration Zone no.38, in Tirana Municipality for the implementation of the pilot project for electronic voting and ballot counting process”, was postponed to the next meeting

News9 political parties and 2 initiating committees registered.