EAZ no.40 selected for implementation of electronic voting and counting pilot project.

02/03/2021 | News

The State Election Commissioner held a public session pursuant to paragraph 2, article 19 and letter ‘n’, paragraph 1, article 19 of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, in order to review and adopt acts in his competence.

After the review of the draft decisions, the Commissioner decided:

  1. To designate the Election Administration Zone no.40, in Tirana Municipality as the administrative unit where the pilot project on electronic voting and ballot counting process will be implemented. EAZ no.40 consists of 32 voting centers.
  2. To register “Democratic Party – Alliance for Change” Coalition (PD-PR-PDIU-PAA-PBDNJ-PDK-LZHK-PLL-FRD-BDL-PBKD-PBDSH-PKD, with initials “PD-AN”;
  1. To register “Alliance” Coalition, with initials “AL”;
  2. To adopt long term observers of the Association “On women and children” and the organization “Civic Resistance” to observe parliamentary elections of April 25, 2021″.
  3.     To uphold the request of Voters’ Legislative Initiative of the Albanian Institute of Development of Election System Development,  for postponement of the deadline of collection of signatures on the draft law “On referenda in the Republic of Albania”.
  4. To release from duty and appoint members of the CEAZ  no. 34, CEAZ no. 37, CEAZ no. 43, Tirana Region, members of CEAZ no. 45, Elbasan Region and CEAZ no. 87, Vlora Region”.
NewsEAZ no.40 selected for implementation of electronic voting and counting pilot project.