Announcement for the holding of the public session by the State Election Commissioner on 08.03.2021.

06/03/2021 | Daily Agenda

Based on paragraph 2, article 19, letter ‘n’, paragraph 1, of article 19 of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, on the review and adoption of acts which are a competence of the State Election Commissioner, Commissioner Celibashi will hold a public session;

Session day: 08.03.2021, at 11:30

 Order of the day:

  1. On review of the registration request of the coalition “Popular Union Alliance – Emigration – Hour of Hope and the Conservatives (ABEOK), for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
  2. “On review of the request of Mr. Elton Lahim Debreshi, as a candidate for MP proposed by voters, for parliamentary elections of April 25,2021″;
  3. “On adoption of the work documentation to be used by Voting Center Commissions in the parliamentary elections of April 25,2021″;
  4. “On defining the rules of collection, administration and tabulation of preliminary results of elections and adoption of documentation templates that will be used to tabulate the results of April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
  5. “On filling the vacancy in Berat Municipality Council, with the candidate from multi-member list of the Socialist Party of Albania, Me. Malva Syrja Aliaj”;
  6. “On designation of location of some voting centers in some private establishments, in April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
  7. “On approval of the reporters of “BIRN ALBANIA” Center, to observe April 25,2021 parliamentary elections”;
  8. “On approval ofreporters and operators of Report Tv, to observe the parliamentary elections of April 25, 2021″.

Materials of the meeting in Albanian language:

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Daily AgendaAnnouncement for the holding of the public session by the State Election Commissioner on 08.03.2021.