Announcement for the holding of the public session by the State Election Commissioner on 29.03.2021.

26/03/2021 | Daily Agenda

Based on paragraph 2, article 19, letter ‘n’, paragraph 1, of article 19 of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, on the review and adoption of acts which are a competence of the State Election Commissioner, Commissioner Celibashi will hold a public session:

Session day: 29.03.2021, at 11:00

Oreder of the day:

  1. “Draft decision “On approval of the quantity of ballots to be produced for each voting center for parliamentary elections of April 25, 2021”.
  2. “Draft decision “On determining the political parties eligible to propose the third and fourth member of Ballot Counting Team, for parliamentary elections of April 25, 2021”.
  3. “On filling the vacancy in Cërrik municipal council with the next candidate in the multi-member list of the Socialist Party of Albania, Mrs. Migena Albert Shima”.
  4. “On filling the vacancy in Mallakastër municipal council with the next candidate in the multi-member list of Social Democracy Party, Mrs. Natirda Dritan Aliaj.
  5. “On filling the vacancy in Lezha municipal council with the next candidate in the multi-member list of the Socialist Party of Albania, Mrs. Elsa Gjergj Gazulla”.
  6. “On filling the vacancy in Kavaja municipal council with the next candidate in the multi-member list of G99 Party, Mr. Mynyr Tahir Bekshiu”.
  7. “On filling the vacancy in Vau Dejes municipal council with the next candidate in the multi-member list of the Social-Democrat Party of Albania, Mr. Nin Mark Curraj”.
  8. “On filling the vacancy in Lezha municipal council with the next candidate in the multi-member list of the Socialist Party of Albania, Mr. Visar Pashk Alia”.
  9. ” On an amendment to Decision no. 45, dated 09.02.2021 “On adoption of long term observers of the Association for Democratic Culture, to observe the parliamentary elections of April 25,2021″.
  10. ”On adoption of the reporters of “Media Center Albania” Center, Alba News portal, “Light Studio Agency” ( ISA), “Vision Plus” Television, “Media Nord” Television, to  observe the parliamentary elections of April 25,2021″.
  11. ”On adoption of long term and short term observers  of the “Albanian Foundation for Development of Election System”, to observe the parliamentary elections of April 25,2021″.
  12. “On adoption of long term observers of  “European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations” to observe the parliamentary elections of April 25,2021″.
  13. ”On an amendment to Decision no. 148, dated 16.03.2021 “On determining the Ballot Counting Centers for parliamentary elections of April 25,2021″.

Materials of the meeting (alb):

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Daily AgendaAnnouncement for the holding of the public session by the State Election Commissioner on 29.03.2021.