Announcement on calling the meeting of the Regulatory Commission on 22.01.2022.

21/01/2022 | Daily Agenda

The Regulatory Commission will hold on Saturday, date 22.01.2022, at 10:30, its meeting with the following order of the day:

 Review of the draft decisions:

  1. “On the approval of some procedural deadlines related to the by-elections for mayor in the municipalities of Shkodra, Dibra, Durres, Vora, Rrogozhina and Lushnje, which will take place on March 6, 2022.”
  2. For an addition to the decision no. 3, dated 06.11.2020, of the Regulatory Commission, “On the approval of the regulation” On the functioning and conduct of the sessions of the Complaints and Sanctions Commission “.

Materials of the meeting (alb):

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Daily AgendaAnnouncement on calling the meeting of the Regulatory Commission on 22.01.2022.