Announcement on calling the meeting of the Regulatory Commission on 18.02.2022.

17/02/2022 | Daily Agenda

The Regulatory Commission will hold on Friday, date 18.02.2022, at 14:30, its meeting with the following order of the day:

Review of the draft decision:

  1. “On the criteria for determining the number of counting teams for each polling station”;
  2. “On the organization of work at the polling station, the sequence of actions during the submission of election materials, the counting of votes and the issuance of the election results for the electoral administration area for the by-elections for mayor in the municipalities of Shkodra, Dibra, Durres, Vora , Rrogozhina and Lushnja, which will take place on March 6, 2022 ”.
Materials of the meeting (alb):
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Daily AgendaAnnouncement on calling the meeting of the Regulatory Commission on 18.02.2022.