Announcement for the holding of the public session by the State Election Commissioner on 19.05.2022.

16/05/2022 | Daily Agenda

Based on paragraph 2, article 19 and letter ‘n’ of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, based on his competence to review and adopt secondary legislation, the State Election Commissioner decided to hold a public session:

Session of the day: 19.05.2022, at 11:00

Order of the day:

  1. Draft decision “On filling the vacancy in the Lushnja municipal council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the Social Democratic Party of Albania, Mrs. Vojsava Klement Bushi “;
  2. Draft decision “On filling the vacancy in the municipal council of Pogradec, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the Albanian Democratic Alliance Party, Mrs. Amela Arben Mimini”;
  3. Draft decision “On filling the vacancy in the municipal council of Këlcyrë, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the Albanian Democratic Alliance Party, Mrs. Jonida Kristo Toslluku”;
  4. Draft decision “On filling the vacancy in the municipal council of Korca, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the Social Democracy Party of Albania, Mr. Kristaq Jani Vasili ”;
  5. Draft decision “On filling the vacancy in the municipal council of Klos, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the Socialist Party of Albania, Mr. Bashkim Rexhep Dardha ”;
  6. For the announcement of the decision “On the review of the denunciation of the electoral subject” Democratic Party “, against the municipality of Rrogozhina”, for administrative violations within the election campaign, for the by-elections for mayor of March 6, 2022 “;
  7. For the announcement of the decision “On the review of the denunciation of the Organization” Civic Center “against the General Director of the Durrës Port Authority, Mr. Pirro Vengu, Mayor of Durrës, Mrs. Mr. Emiriana Sako, General Director of the National Employment and Training Agency Klevis Hysa and the Rector of the University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës Mrs. Kseanela Sotirofski, for administrative violations within the election campaign, for the by-elections for mayor on March 6, 2022 ”;
  8. For the announcement of the decision For the review of the denunciation of the Organization “Civic Center” against Mrs. Eriselda Sefa, Minister of Health and Social Protection Mrs. Mr. Ogerta Manastirliu, Director of the “Ihsan Çabeja” Hospital, Lushnjë Perin Vogli and the Municipality of Lushnja ”, for administrative violations within the election campaign, for the by-elections for mayor on March 6, 2022”;
  9. On the announcement of the decision “On the review of the denunciation of the Organization” Civic Center “against the Municipality of Shkodra, for administrative violations within the election campaign, for the by-elections for mayor of March 6, 2022”;
  10. For the review of the denunciation of the Organization “Civic Center” against the candidate for Mayor Rrogozhina Mr. Mr. Edison Memolla, Minister of State for Reconstruction and Reform Program Arben Ahmetaj, Member of the Assembly of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Etjen Xhafaj and the Socialist Party of Albania, for administrative violations within the election campaign, for the by-elections for mayor on March 6, 2022 ”;
  11. For the review of the denunciation of the Organization “Civic Center” against the Mayor of Rrogozhina, Mr. Edison Memolla, Durrës Regional Education Directorate, Local Education Office Rrogozhinë and Cultural Center “Haxhi Memolla” for administrative violations within the election campaign, for the by-elections for mayor on March 6, 2022 “.
Materials of the meeting (alb):
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Daily AgendaAnnouncement for the holding of the public session by the State Election Commissioner on 19.05.2022.