Announcement for the holding of the public session by the Complaints and Sanctions Commission on 20.03.2023.

20/03/2023 | Daily Agenda

The Complaints and Sanctions Commission conducts a public session for the review of appeal requests filed with the Central Election Commission.

Session day: 21.03.2023, at 12:30

 Order of the day: 

  1. Shqyrtimi i kërkesës ankimore nr. 35, depozituar nga Partia “Lëvizja për Zhvillim Kombëtar” me objekt “Kundërshtimin e vendimit të Komisionerit Shtetëror të Zgjedhjeve nr. 173, datë 14.03.2023”.

Materials of the meeting (alb):

Daily AgendaAnnouncement for the holding of the public session by the Complaints and Sanctions Commission on 20.03.2023.