CSC imposes administrative sanctions on 13 Municipality Mayors 

15/05/2023 | News

The Commission of Sanctions and Complaints reviewed the requests no.28,29, 30 and 31 of the State Election Commissioner to impose administrative sanctions.

Upon the request of the Secretary General, CSC decided to drop the review of request no. 28. 

At the end of review of request no.29, CSC decided administrative sanctions with a fine of 5,000 ALL, on :

  1. Mr. Fran Tuci, Mayor of Fushë Arrëz Municipality
  2. Mr Andis Salla, Mayor of Cërrik Municipality;
  3. Mr. Safet Gjici, Mayor of Kukës; Municipality;
  4. Mrs. Majlinda Qilimi, Mayor of Delvinë Municipality;
  5.  Mr. Adem Lala, Mayor of Has Municipality;
  6. Mrs. Luiza Mandi, Mayor of Libohovë Municipality;
  7. Mr Elton Arbana, Mayor of Shijak Municipality;
  8. Mr. Dritan Leli, Mayor of Vlorë Municipality;
  9. Mr. Kreshnik Hajdari, Mayor of Kuçovë Municipality;
  10. Mr. Bardh Spahia, Mayor of Shkodër Municipality;
  11. Mr. Mark Babani, Mayor of Vau Dejës Municipality;
  12. Mr. Eduard Duro, Mayor of Devoll Municipality;
  13. Mr. Fredi Kokoneshi, Mayor of Divjaka Municipality 

CSC partially upheld the request no 30 and decided to drop the administrative proceedings against Mr. Enea Hoti, responsible person in the Ministry of Interior and imposed an administrative penalty, a fine of 3,000 ALL, on: 

  1. Mrs. Joana Duro, responsible people in the Ministry of Health and Social Protection;
  2. Mrs. Risena Xhaja, responsible person in the Ministry of Finance and Economy;
  3. Mrs. Edlira Zyfi, responsible person in the Ministry of State for Standards of Services;
  4. Mr. Gazmend Turdiu, responsible person for the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.  


In addition, the administrative proceedings for the request no.31 of the SEC were dropped, as it was not reached a quorum and the review of the request will restart on another date. 

NewsCSC imposes administrative sanctions on 13 Municipality Mayors