Announcement for the holding of the public session by the Complaints and Sanctions Commission on 30.05.2023.

29/05/2023 | Daily Agenda

The Complaints and Sanctions Commission conducts public hearings to review the complaint requests.

Session day: 30.05.2023

At15:00 complaint request nr. 78

At 15:30 complaint request nr. 89

At 16:10 complaint request nr. 76

Order of the day:

  1. Examination of the appeal request with no. 78, with complainant electoral entity “Party for Justice, Integration and Unity” with object “Recounting of ballot papers in VC no. 3239/00 of KZAZ no. 62 Mallacastra. The reflection of the change in the counting of votes in the summary table of the results of the elections for the Mallakastër Municipal Council, for the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023″.
  2. Examination of the appeal request with no. 89, with the complainant electoral subject Justice, Integration and Unity Party (PDIU) with object “Opposition to the decision of the CEC, for the approval of the Summary Table of Results of the Electoral Area, Delvina Municipality. Changing the Summary Table of Results of the Electoral Area, Delvina Municipality for Municipal Councils”.
  3. Examination of the appeal request with no. 76, with the complainant electoral subject Coalition “Together We Win” with object “Opposition to the decision no. 533, dated 18.05.2023 “For the approval of the Summary Table of Results for the Election of the mayor of Belsh, in the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023”. Recounting and revaluation of votes in all voting centers of the electoral unit, Belsh Municipality and approval of the summary table for the Belsh Municipality electoral area, including in it the result obtained from the recount and revaluation of votes. Invalidity of the elections held in VC no. 2565/01 IEPP Burgu Kosovë, of the electoral area Belsh Municipality. Changing the summary table of the result for the candidates for mayor of Belsh, not including the result of the voting center no. 2565/01 IEPP Kosovo Prison. The announcement as the winning candidate for the elections for the mayor of Belsh of Mr. Bedri Qypi“.
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Daily AgendaAnnouncement for the holding of the public session by the Complaints and Sanctions Commission on 30.05.2023.