Announcement for the holding of the public session by the Complaints and Sanctions Commission on 08.06.2023.

07/06/2023 | Daily Agenda

The Complaints and Sanctions Commission conducts public hearings to review the complaint requests.

Session day: 08.06.2023

At 13:15 the announcement of the decision of the complaint request no. 85

At 13:30 complaint request no. 67 and no. 74

Order of the day:

  1. Examination of appeal request with no. 67, with the complainant electoral subject “Bashke Fitojme” Coalition. Object: Objection to decision no. 101, date 16.05.2023 of KZAZ no. 64, Kucove Municipality, Berat district “For the approval of the summary table of results for the election of the Mayor of Kucove”. .
  2. Examination of Appeal No. 74, dated 22.05.2023, filed by Mr. Lefter Maliqi, with the object “We request, the amendment of decision No. I01 dated 16.06.2023 of ZAZ No. 64 Kuçovo Municipality, Berat District, For the Approval of the Summary Table of Results for the Election of the Mayor of Kuçovo Municipality” – We request, recount and reassessment of votes for ZAZ No. 64, all VCs including the result of the recount and re-evaluation of votes for the VCs listed in the table. – We request the annulment of Decision NO. 101 dated 16.05.2023, “On the Approval of the Summary Table of Results for the Election of the Mayor of Kuçovo” – We request the invalidity of the decision of the CEC where the secretary of ZAZ was appointed, No. 64 Kuçovo, citizen Romeo Arizi. – We request the invalidity of the decision of KZAZ, No. 64 Kuçovo, Berat District, for postponing the vote count, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – We request the partial invalidation of the ballot for Mayor Candidates for the Kuçovo Municipality, at the point where the candidate for the Kuçovo Municipality, Berat District, Kreshnik Hajdari, is marked. – The invalidity of the legal action, the decriminalization form, in the name of Kreshnik Hajdar submitted to the CEC referring to the law, no. 138/2015 “On guaranteeing the integrity of persons who are elected, appointed or exercise public functions”.


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Daily AgendaAnnouncement for the holding of the public session by the Complaints and Sanctions Commission on 08.06.2023.