Announcement for the holding of the public session by the State Election Commissioner on 24.05.2024.

22/05/2024 | Daily Agenda

Based on paragraph 2, article 19 and letter ‘n’ of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, based on his competence to review and adopt secondary legislation, the State Election Commissioner decided to hold a public session:

Session day: 24.05.2024, at 12:00

 Order of the day:

Issues for new consideration:

1. Draft Decision “To fill the vacancy in the Municipal Council of Pukë with the candidate from the multi-name list of the subject “Albanian Democratic Alliance Party”, Mr. Alban Zef Lleshi”.
2. Draft Decision ” To fill the vacant seat on the Municipal Council of Rrogozhin with the candidate from the multi-name list of the subject “Albanian Republican Party”, Mr. Isa Besnik Halili”.
3. Draft Decision ” To fill a vacancy in the Municipal Council of Dibër, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the “Albanian Republican Party”, Mrs. Nertila Dik Kaza”.
4. Draft Decision “On the examination of the result of the verification by the Prosecutor General, for the self-declaring entity, Mr. Armelin Qazim Koni, candidate for member of the Municipal Council of Shijak, proposed by the electoral entity “Partia Aleanca Progresiste LZHK”.
5. Draft decision “On the verification of the data in the self-declaration form of the self-declaring subject Mr. Leonard Vyrtyt Hide, Mayor of the Municipality of Libohovë, proposed by the electoral entity “Socialist Party of Albania”.

Materials of the meeting (alb):

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Daily AgendaAnnouncement for the holding of the public session by the State Election Commissioner on 24.05.2024.