Decision no. 16, dated 2.2.2024, “To fill the vacancy in the Saranda Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the subject “National Arbnore Alliance Party”,”, Mr. India Rapaj”. 02/02/2024
Decision no. 15, dated 2.2.2024, “To fill the vacancy in the Kurbin Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the subject “Albanian Republican Party”, Mr. Hilmi Ahmet Vuthaj”. 02/02/2024
Decision no. 14, dated 2.2.2024 “To fill the vacancy in the Lezhë Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the “Social Democratic Party”, Mr. Erin Peter John”. 02/02/2024
Decision no. 13, dated 2.2.2024 “For filling the vacancy in the Lezhë Municipality Council with the candidate from the multi-name list of the “Social Democratic Party”, Mr. Argert Mark Perkola”. 02/02/2024
Decision no. 12, dated 2.2.2024 “To fill the vacancy in the Lezhë Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the “Social Democratic Party”, Mr. Elton Martin Bilani”. 02/02/2024