Decision no. 11, dated 02.02.2024 “To fill the vacancy in the Rrogozhin Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the subject “Democratic Party of Albania”, Mrs. Merilin Artur Saraçi”. 02/02/2024
Decision no. 10, dated 02.02.2024 “To fill the vacancy in the Shijak Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the subject “Socialist Party of Albania”, Mrs. Mimosa Shefqet Xhihani”. 02/02/2024
Decision no. 9, dated 02.02.2024 “To fill the vacancy in the Belsh Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the subject “Socialist Party of Albania”, Mr. Erjon Agim Qafa”. 02/02/2024
Decision no. 8, dated 15.01.2024 “For a change in the decision of the State Election Commissioner no. 826, dated 22.12.2023 “On the approval of the budget expenditure structure for the year 2024”. 01/02/2024
Decision no. 3, dated 12.01.2024 “On the acceptance for examination of the appeal request no. 02, dated 04.01.2024 filed by Mr. Edison Memolla”. 17/01/2024