DecisionSEC_2024_206 On the approval of the education, information, and awareness program for voters with disabilities, for the elections to the Assembly of Albania 2025. 14/12/2024
DecisionSEC_2024_204_On the approval of the budget structure for the year 2024 according to Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 689, dated 06.11.2023 13/12/2024
DecisionSEC_2024_203_On determining the number of observers for the Assembly elections on May 11, 2025. 13/12/2024
InstructionSEC_IM_2024_01_On the second membership between the Central Election and Civil Status Commissions for the deregistration of citizens who vote outside the territory of the Republic of Albania in the electoral list in the country. 11/12/2024
DecisionSEC_2024_202_On the selection of licensed accounting experts (statutory auditors) for the audit of funds received and spent by electoral entities for the election campaign for the elections for mayor of Himara, dated 4 August 2024. 06/12/2024