DecisionSCS_2024_20_On the complaint request no. 9, dated 03.08.2024 filed by the Union for Human Rights Party and no. 10, dated 04.08.2024 with appellant Mr. Dhionisios Alfred Beleri. 03/12/2024
DecisionSEC_2024_201On filling the vacancy in the Selenica Municipality Council with the candidate from the multi-name list of the “Democratic Alliance of Albania Party”, Mr. Robini Fatmir Hodaj. 27/11/2024
DecisionSEC_200_On filling the vacancy in the Kavajë Municipality Council with the candidate from the multi-name list of the “Democratic Party”, Ms. Meleqe Besim Kazazi. 27/11/2024
DecisionSEC_2024_199_On filling the vacancy in the Krujë Municipality Council with the candidate from the multi-name list of the “Albanian Future Party”, Mr. Parid Shkëlqim Miri. 27/11/2024
DecisionSEC_2024_198_On filling the vacancy in the Lezha Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the “National Unity Party” Ms. Gjuljana Ndue Seferaj. 27/11/2024