Announcement for the completion without candidates of the procedure “Parallel Movement” for the position, Specialist in the Sector of Data Administration and Systems in DADSIT. 06/06/2022 | Vacancies For more details see the announcement below in Albanian language: Njoftim për përfundimin pa...
Vacancy announcement for the position, Director in the Directorate of Data Administration and IT Systems. 03/06/2022 | Vacancies
Vacancy announcement for the position of specialist in the Data and Systems Administration Sector at DADSIT. 23/05/2022 | Vacancies
Announcement of the winning candidate for the position of specialist in the Sector for Document Verification and Legal Advice on Administrative Complaints in DJDZ. 23/05/2022 | Vacancies
Announcement for postponement of the competition date for the position of Legal Specialist in the Legal Directorate and Election Documentation. 29/04/2022 | Vacancies
Announcement for the publication of the winning candidate, for the position of Receptionist in the Central Election Commission. 27/04/2022 | Vacancies