Announcement on the publication of the final list of the candidates that will apply for the vacant position of the specialist/ lawyer in DJDZ.

05/01/2021 | Vacancies

Pursuant to the article no.22 of the law no.152/2013, dated 30.05.2013 “On the civil servant”, as amended, Chapter IV, item 6, Decision no.243, dated 18.03.2015 of the Council of Ministers, “On admission, parallel probation time and appointment in executive category” as amended, we would like to inform that:

At the end of the complaint deadline, the responsible unit shall announce the final list of candidates that qualify for the contest stage, for the position of specialist/ lawyer at the Unit of Verification of Documentation and Legal Advice in the Legal and Election Documentation Department as follows:

  1. Ms Amanda Selgjeka
  2. Ms.Anduela Xhaferraj
  3. Mr.Erdal Mema
  4. Ms.Iliriana Osmanaj
  5. Mr.Marion Gecaj
  6. Ms.Senada Çelepia

For further information, please contact us at  the Central Elections Commission’ address, Rr.“Ibrahim Rugova”, Nr.4, Tiranë and at the official CEC webpage, at

Responsible Unit

VacanciesAnnouncement on the publication of the final list of the candidates that will apply for the vacant position of the specialist/ lawyer in DJDZ.