The Regulatory Commission reviewed and adopted the draft decision ” On adoption of the Monitoring Methodology of audio and audio visual media”.
The methodology defines the procedures and special techniques that applies the Authority of Visual Media to monitor the coverage of 30 day election campaign by the Audio and/or audio visual Media providers (AMP)
Monitoring of election campaign by AMP is conducted throughout the entire territory of the country where elections are held, with AMA monitoring the implementation of the regulations sanctioned in the Electoral Code and by-laws issued pursuant to it.
Monitoring of the Audio Visual Media Providers will be done based on the following criteria: area of service coverage ( geographic coverage) audience, broadcasting hours, the format of content broadcasted by the Providers- thematic or general, type of media, targeted audience in the public/political actors.
A new development in the monitoring of April 25, 2021 election campaign, is the quality monitoring of broadcasts by the audio visual media, in aspects such as use of hate speech, the gender balance in media coverage of candidates, the time or space allotted to live speech, etc.
The daily reports submitted to the CEC one day after the monitoring contain quantitative data, whereas the weekly reports shall contain quantitative and qualitative data.