State Election Commissioner Mr. Ilirjan Celibashi attended the presentation on findings of the monitoring of the use of state resources in pre- election period, held in the framework of the project ” Strengthening of Election Transparency in Albania” (SETA).
Present in the event were also representatives of local and international organizations involved in monitoring of April 25,2021 parliamentary elections.
The activity focused on so far progress of implementation of Electoral Code provisions related to prohibition of the conduct and promotion of activities four months before the elections.
State Election Commissioner Mr. Ilirjan Celibashi highlighted in his address the appreciation for the role of SETA project not only in monitoring of prohibited activities, but also in support and enabling the CEC staff to apply the new regulations that stem from the Electoral Code.
Mrs. Guusje Korthals Altes, Ambassador of the Netherlands also addressed to the meeting and highlighted the importance of engagement of civil society and citizens in the transparent conduct of elections, guaranteeing the expected standards for free and fair elections.
The two reporters, Mrs. Gerta Meta and Mr. Isuf Shehu introduced the platform of electronic database monitoring., which was enabled by SETA project and contains findings from monitoring of the reporting of promotional activities held by local and central government officials in the respective CEC interface and also through monitoring their public activities by on site monitors.
The project is implemented by ASP in close partnership with the CEC and with the support of the embassy of the Netherlands and the Council of Europe-EUÂ joint project “Action Against Economic Crime in Albania”.