Partial elections – VCs with voters with disabilities are placed on the first floors of buildings

01/03/2022 | News

The CEC has had constant communication with the mayors of local government units to establish the necessary voting infrastructure for PWD voters (Persons with Disabilities). The CEC has requested the establishment of polling stations on the ground floors of the premises to be used as polling stations. It also demanded the installation of ramps near these facilities in order to facilitate the use of polling station facilities by voters with disabilities.
The six municipalities, where the by-elections for mayor will take place have reported that the polling stations where PWD voters have been identified, have been located on the ground floors of the premises, the necessary measures have been taken  and meanwhile the CEC is waiting for confirmation of fulfilling the obligation for installation of ramps.

The Central Election Commission has continuously appealed to citizens with the right to vote in the 6 municipalities where the by-elections will take place to verify the validity of identification documents and to renew them in case their validity has expired.

The CEC has periodically communicated with the General Directorate of Civil Status and requested ongoing information regarding the validity of voter identification documents in the 6 municipalities of Shkodra, Durres, Dibra, Vora, Rrogozhina and Lushnja. On March 1, 2022, Commissioner Celibashi addressed a request to the Minister of Interior to enable the extension of the validity of voter identification documents in the 6 municipalities of Shkodra, Durres, Dibra, Vora, Rrogozhina and Lushnja.

Also, the Central Election Commission has continuously encouraged the mayors of local government units to notify in writing regarding the election information (polling station, address and location of VC, ordinal number in the voter list) voters of the municipalities of Shkodra, Durres , Lushnjë, Rrogozhinë,

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NewsPartial elections – VCs with voters with disabilities are placed on the first floors of buildings