Today, the Regulatory Commission reviewed the draft decision ‘On certain additions and amendments to Decision No. 13, dated 6.4.2021, of the Regulatory Commission, ‘On defining rules for the financial reporting of electoral subjects, the control, and verification of their funding and expenditures during the electoral campaign.’
This decision reflects the latest amendments to the Electoral Code and adapts financial reporting to the Online Financial Reporting Platform. It includes the format for the balance sheet of assets and liabilities of political parties for the period from the decree of the election date until election day, online financial reporting for the electoral campaign through the Online Financial Reporting Platform, the possibility for the legal auditor to submit a draft audit report to the electoral subject, allowing them to review audit findings in advance and respond with observations or additional materials, the obligation and responsibility for financial reporting for candidates in multi-member lists, among other provisions.
Additionally, the draft decision ‘On certain amendments to Decision No. 18, dated 14.4.2021, of the Regulatory Commission, ‘On the approval of guidelines for the financial reporting process by political parties, multi-member list candidates, and independent candidates for the parliamentary elections in Albania,’ was reviewed.
The key innovations in this decision include:
- The incorporation of the Online Financial Reporting Platform;
- In the case of coalitions, multi-member list candidates submit their financial reports to the chief financial officer of the party designated by the coalition’s constituent parties;
- The inclusion of self-financing by multi-member list candidates of a political party or registered electoral coalition up to the amount of 3 million lekë, as stipulated in Article 92/2, point 3/1, of the amended Electoral Code.