The State Election Commissioner, Mr. Ilirjan Celibashi received in a meeting representatives of civil society, Mrs. Mr. Megi Reçi, Project Coordinator of the Civil Rights Defenders (CRD) office in Albania, Mr. Afrim Krasniqi, Executive Director of the Institute of Political Studies (ISP) and Mrs. Erida Skendaj, Executive Director of the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC).
The support of the Central Election Commission for the project “I Participate! My voice, my vote counts! “, was the focus of the meeting. This project will be implemented in 2021 parliamentary elections by the three civil society organizations CRD, ISP and AHC, and its goal is to empower citizens and civil society to engage, promote, advocate and monitor democratic processes.The project also aims to create a mobile application (mobile app), which will serve as an informational platform for citizens but also as an opportunity for them to report irregularities / violations related to the election process.
Mr. Celibashi stated that there will be a stronger relation between the Central Election Commission and civil society organizations that monitor the election processes. Civil society is an important partner of the CEC, so in the future the aim is to institutionalize this cooperation.
The Commissioner confirmed his commitment to provide maximal transparency of the CEC activity and to work closely, without any restrictions, with civil society actors involved in the election process.
Zoti Celibashi u shpreh se do të intensifikohen marrëdhëniet e Komisionit Qendror të Zgjedhjeve dhe organizatave të shoqërisë civile që monitorojnë proceset zgjedhore. Shoqëria Civile është partner i rëndësishëm i KQZ-së, ndaj në të ardhmen synohet institucionalizimi i këtij bashkëpunimi.
Komisioneri konfirmoi angazhimin e tij, për të ofruar transparencë maksimale të veprimtarisë së KQZ-së dhe për të punuar ngushtësisht pa asnjë lloj kufzimi me aktorët e shoqërisë civile të përfshirë në procesin zgjedhor.