CSC announces decision on two election complaints

22/01/2021 | News

The Commission of Appeals and Sanctions reviewed the election complaint no.1 with the following object: 

“Amendment to the Decision no.7 of the State Election Commissioner, dated 14.01.2021” , with plaintiff Mr. Arben Qalliu and the Complaint no.02 with the following object: “Amendment to the Decision no.7 of the State Election Commissioner, dated 14.01.2021” with plaintiff  Socialist Movement for Integration Party. 

At the end of the review, the Commission of Appeals and Sanctions with majority of votes decided to amend Decision no.7 of the State Election Commissioner, dated 14.01.2021 and to uphold the complaint of Mr. Arben Qalliu on the application of administrative sanctions and to drop the complaint of the Socialist Movement for Integration Party on the application of administrative sanctions against MP Bujar Cela.  

In addition, KAS decided that the State Election Commissioner should inform the State Cadastre Agency and request that in order to observe the standard of elections and impartiality in the public administration, the MPs, until the Election Day, should not be invited in the routine activities of the central and local administration,  which are held through by contacting, cooperating and communicating with the voters. 

NewsCSC announces decision on two election complaints