CAS passes for review complaint filed by DP-Alliance for Change .

20/03/2021 | News

The Commission of Appeals and Sanctions (CAS) decided to pass for review the complaint no. 5, filed by the electoral subject DP- Alliance for Change, with the following object “Appeal to the Decision no.156, dated 18.03.2021 of the State Election Commissioner “On review of the request for registration of the multi-member lists of the coalition DP- Alliance for Change, for parliamentary elections of April 25, 2021″.

The complaint will be reviewed during the session to be held on Tuesday, on 23.03.2021.

In addition, the lot was cast to select the rapporteur of the complaint no.06, dated 20.03.2021, filed by the coalition Alliance-AL, with the object ” Appeal to the Decision no.165, dated 18.03.2021 of the State Election Commissioner “On review of the request for registration of the multi-member lists of the coalition Alliance -AL, for April 25, 2021  parliamentary elections”. According to the result of the lot, the rapporteur of Complaint no.6 will be Mr.  Elvis Çefa.

NewsCAS passes for review complaint filed by DP-Alliance for Change .