The CSC completes the administrative investigation of the AIS’s complaint..

08/11/2021 | News

The Complaints and Sanctions Commission (CSC) reviewed today the appeal request no. 74, with the object “Objection to the decision no. 457, dated 10/01/2021, of the State Election Commissioner”, with the complainant the organization Albanian Institute of Sciences (AIS).

The AIS has opposed the acts of the Council of Ministers and the Durrës Municipality regarding the funds they have allocated to the subjects affected by the earthquake. The State Election Commissioner (SEC) has declared its incompetence for this complaint.

After hearing the appellant and reviewing the documentation, CSC found that the review is the competence of the bodies of CEC’s and that’s why by a majority of votes decided to accept the request to amend decision no. 457, dated 10/01/2021 of the SEC regarding the declaration of incompetence for the review and denunciation of the complainant.

At the end of the administrative investigation, CSC concluded that the acts challenged by the AIS do not constitute a violation of decision no. 9 dated 12/24/2020 of RC, because through them is not proposed, not approved and no allocation of funds are newly made, but executive procedures are defined. The CSC by a majority vote decided to reject the request for imposing an administrative sanction for violation of decision no. 9, dated 12/24/2020 of the CEC Regulatory Commission.


NewsThe CSC completes the administrative investigation of the AIS’s complaint..