The State Election Commissioner approved the operational procedures for the destruction of personal data in the electronic identification devices and in the electronic voter identification system, used on April 25, 2021.

22/01/2022 | News

The State Election Commissioner in today’s meeting approved some amendments in the Instruction no. 1, dated 23.12.2020, of the SEC “On determining the rules for the submission and verification of candidacy documentation, deadlines for the publication of candidate lists and the approval of candidacy templates”. The changes are reflected in the templates of candidacy documents that must be completed by the candidates who will run in the by-elections for the local self-government bodies on March 6th .

 The Commissioner also approved the manner of administration of the election documentation and the disposal of the ballot papers for the opening of the ballot boxes and the boxes of election materials used in the elections for the Assembly of Albania, dated April 25, 2021. The ballot papers used in the elections of April 25 and the ballot papers printed by the electronic voting and counting device (PEVN) will be disposed through recycling. Whereas, the ballot boxes and the boxes of election materials in which there are indications for criminal reports evidenced after the post-election verification process and those boxes for which sequestration has been decided by the competent bodies, they are not opened and are placed in a dedicated place in the warehouses of CEC.

 Also, the State Election Commissioner approved the operational procedures for the destruction of personal data in the electronic identification device (PEI) and the electronic voter identification system (SEIV) at the CEC, used in the elections of April 25, 2021. Documents printed by Electronic Identification Devices with sensitive data of voters located in the boxes of election materials will be destroyed, while biometric data for which the process of cross-referencing has resulted in multiple voting, criminal charges are filed to the relevant bodies and will be stored until the end of the investigation.

 The draft decision “On the appointment of political parties that will propose the members and secretaries of the commissions of the electoral administration zones for the local by-elections for mayor in the municipalities of Shkodra, Dibra, Durres, Vora, Rrogozhina and Lushnja dated 6.3.2022” will considered at the next meeting.

NewsThe State Election Commissioner approved the operational procedures for the destruction of personal data in the electronic identification devices and in the electronic voter identification system, used on April 25, 2021.