CEC cooperation with the Rule of Law Center of Finland and IDEA International regarding access to justice, with focus on political parties’ funding

28/02/2023 | News

The State Election Commissioner, Mr. Ilirjan Celibashi and members of the Commissions of Sanctions and Complaints, Mr. Ilirjan Rusmali and Mr. Ledio Braho met with the representatives of the Rule of Law Center of Finland, Mrs. Tuija Brax, Mr. Kimmo Nuotio, Mrs. Hanna-Mari Manninen and of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), Mrs. Blerta Hoxha, Mrs. Elvana Kurti.

The goal of the meetings wad to discuss on potential improvements of the Electoral Code, transparency of the funding and expenses of political parties in elections and the dedicated assistance to the joint project and their assistance for the CEC.

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NewsCEC cooperation with the Rule of Law Center of Finland and IDEA International regarding access to justice, with focus on political parties’ funding