Quantity of ballots to be produced for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections approved.

29/03/2021 | News

The State Election Commissioner, approved in today’s meeting the quantity of ballots to be produced for each voting center, for parliamentary elections of April 25, 2021. A total of 3.660.647 ballot papers will be produced.

After reviewing the documentation, the Commissioner decided to fill the vacant positions created in the municipal councils with the following candidates:

  1. Mrs. Migena Albert Shima,  Cërrik Municipal Council, with candidates from multi-member list of the Socialist Party;
  2. Mrs. Natirda Dritan Aliaj, Mallakastër Municipal Council, with candidates from multi-member list of Social Democracy Party;
  3. Mrs. Elsa Gjergj Gazulla, Lezhë Municipal Council,  with candidates from multi-member list of the Socialist Party;
  4. Mr. Mynyr Tahir Bekshiu, Kavajë Municipal Council,  with candidates from multi-member list of G 99 Party;
  5. Mr. Nin Mark Curraj, Vau-Dejes Municipal Council,  with candidates from multi-member list of Social-Democrat Party of Albania;
  6. Mr. Visar Pashk Alia, Lezhë Municipal Council,  with candidates from multi-member list of the Socialist Party;

The Commissioner reviewed the results of the extensive verification carried out by the General Prosecutors’ office for the former public official Mr. Ermal (Agustin) Tetem Hasimaj, pursuant to the law 138/2015. The Commissioner decided to declare the end of administrative procedure, with no final decision, due to the resignation of Mr. Hasimaj from the position  member of Mallakaster  Municipal Council.

In addition, the Commissioner approved the long term observers of the Association for Democratic Culture, the European Network of the Election Monitoring Organisations, short term and long term observers of the “Albanian Institute for Development of Elections Systems” and the reporters of  “Media Center Albania”Center, “Alba News” portal, “Light Studio Agency (LSA)”, “Vizion Plus” Television, “Media Nord” television, to observe April 25, 2021 parliamentary elections/.

During today’s meeting, an amendment was approved to the Decision no.148, dated 16.03.2021, “On determining the Ballot Counting Center “.

The review of the draft decision “On determining the political parties eligible to propose the third and fourth member of the Ballot Counting Team, for April 25, 2021 parliamentary elections”, was postponed for the next meeting



NewsQuantity of ballots to be produced for April 25,2021 parliamentary elections approved.